Deathbomb Arc
Axebreaker - Brutality In Stone (Digital)
"Brutality in Stone is a record that rages from beginning to end and uses aggression to create questions and form answers as to why the world is currently standing on a knife’s edge." - Scene Point Blank
"Brutality in Stone is a dark and foreboding record that takes plenty of surprising turns. Listeners who enjoy being decimated by noise, take note. Listeners who own MAGA hats, good luck surviving." - Svbterranean
"The album name refers to the 11-minute documentary film by Alexander Kluge & Peter Schamoni of the same name, a film that parallels the design and scale of Nazi architecture with national socialist ideology. Axebreaker’s political bent is overt, clearly critical of power electronics, a subgenre that historically can be almost hilariously apolitical about atrocities like genocide, sexual violence, and race-based lynchings." - Ears to Feed
"Brutality in Stone is a dark and foreboding record that takes plenty of surprising turns. Listeners who enjoy being decimated by noise, take note. Listeners who own MAGA hats, good luck surviving." - Svbterranean
"The album name refers to the 11-minute documentary film by Alexander Kluge & Peter Schamoni of the same name, a film that parallels the design and scale of Nazi architecture with national socialist ideology. Axebreaker’s political bent is overt, clearly critical of power electronics, a subgenre that historically can be almost hilariously apolitical about atrocities like genocide, sexual violence, and race-based lynchings." - Ears to Feed